Monday 28 September 2015

Recent Paintings

Untitled - Acrylic Paint and Collaged Papers on Canvas - 14x18 inch

Still Life with a Yukka and an Alpacka - Acrylic Paint on Canvas - 12x16 Inch

I want to create a body of work that is centred on shape, colour and abstraction by looking at the contrast between organic forms in nature and man-made objects of everyday life. Here are two of my recent paintings based on this concept. I have been trying to figure out a style of painting that works for me so you could say these are experiments and so far I have learned a lot. I now know I really enjoy collaging with painted papers, using masking tape to stencil off areas and painting with thick brushes to form gestural marks. This is really useful as I now have a clearer understanding of how I want to work, it means I can get down to business and create more work without worrying how I'm going to do it.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Oh no! I was trying to reply to your comment Jodie but I clicked remove by accident, really sorry! Thank you for your comment though, it's much appreciated. I'm glad you like what I'm doing at the moment and hopefully within the next few weeks I will have more things to post so keep an eye out! :)


  2. Great work Jake, can't wait to see what else you create this year!


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