So as promised, here is my post about the CMYK prints I produced in the second half of the screen print workshop. The process started with scanning in a section of one of my paintings and turning it into four separate positives (one for each of the process colours - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) using Photoshop and Illustrator. I then took these positives into the print room and exposed them onto a large screen ready for printing. Once setting up my screen and preparing the ink I was able to create 20 finished pieces, totalling 80 separate printed layers, a feat I never thought I could have achieved prior to the workshop.
I learned a great deal from the process and it has inspired me to think about using screen printing more within my practice. I am really keen to turn some of my sketches into printed tarot cards to use in making up compositions and I would love to create more small CMYK prints of my paintings. Hopefully with my newfound love of screen printing you will see some more of them in the future.
If you missed my first post about the screen printing workshop here is the link.
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