It's been a strange month for me so far as my studio has been shut due to assessment which has meant I've had to find other things to do. I miss having a space that I can retreat too but I've enjoyed attending other workshops and doing things that aren't necessarily for my course, which brings me onto the topic of this post.
While I've been off it's given me chance to work on a few external submissions that have piled up on my to-do list and my first one is finally complete. This piece is a submission for an exhibition curated by The Goat Collective called 'Disposable Society' which aims to comment on the implications of the throw-away culture we currently live in. I titled the piece 'Binge' to reference the excessive indulgence of buying objects we really have no need for or to replace others that become outdated or 'broken'. Focusing on shape, colour and abstraction 'Binge' delivers a contemporary aspect to the old Renaissance style of still life whilst commenting on throw-away culture. Motifs such as plants, technology and fast food play with themes of the short-lived and mindless consumerism referencing the beliefs of Pope Francis in which unwanted people (as well as unwanted items) are discarded as waste.
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