Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Film Fun with a Thumb

I bought a disposable camera in the hope that I could get some cool film photographs but I was slightly disappointed to see my finger had managed to make an appearance in more than 25% of them! Never the less, I thought it was pretty funny and decided to make a short post containing a small series of the best ones. As you can see, my photography skills are top notch!


  1. I have two disposables that I need to get developed from last year and this has totally just reminded me! Lovely photos too!
    Lauren // OhHay Blogs!

    1. Oh wow, they're from a long time ago now, you should totally get them developed! I bet you've forgotten what was on them now so it will be a lovely surprise? And thank you :) My dad has just given me his old Nikon FA LSR which is awesome, now I can hopefully get some better quality film photos! :D (and with any luck my finger won't appear in them either :P).
      Jake xxx


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